BRINGER IP - European Patent and Trademark Attorney - France - Europe - Prosecution - Litigation - Negociation - Contract
Intellectual Property Attorneys
Patents, Trademarks, Designs, Contracts, Copyrights, Dispute resolutions
BRINGER IP is an Intellectual Property Law Firm, exclusively dedicated to the protection of the creations of innovative companies. We are involved in the whole cycle of the creation process : identification, protection, monetization, and defense of the intangible assets of innovative companies.
BRINGER IP is a member of the French Institute of Patent & Trademark Attorneys (CNCPI). We are therefore bound to a strict code of ethics regulated by the French Intellectual Property Law. We are liable for our clients, we observe professional secrecy and we refrain from advising, assisting or representing companies that have opposed interests. We will refuse a new case if the secrecy of information received from another company is susceptible to be infringed. We have a dedicated insurance covering our professional civil liability and a guarantee specially devoted to the reimbursement of funds, effects or objects of value received from our clients.
BRINGER IP is a registered IP Law Firm before the French Intellectual Property Office (INPI), the European Patent Office (EPO), the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
Thanks to our renowned international experience, particularly for European, Asian, Pacific and North American markets, BRINGER IP advises its clients both locally and internationally.
Our latest news
24 December 2024
Our team wishes you a great new year. Thank you to our constellation of amazing clients for the year coming to an end. Let's light up the stars together again in 2025
5 April 2024
We are delighted to be listed this year again in the prestigious Legal 500 ranking as a leading patent and trademark IP firm in France. Quite an achievement for a boutique firm to carve out a place for itself among the big players in the industry! A big thank you to our amazing clients and peers for the great feedbacks on our work and expertise.
16 March 2023
Our firm has reached the age of reason! We are very grateful to our clients, who trust us every day to protect their intangible assets. Some of them did not hesitate, from day one, to entrust us with their intellectual property strategies. We are happy to celebrate this important milestone with a new visual identity that we perceive as the logo of maturity!
9 June 2022
Our firm continues its growth strategy and opens a new office in Lyon, under the responsibility of Alexandre Decré. The opening of this second office aims at reinforcing the proximity links with our clients in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. Meet us at 8 Quai Jules Courmont, 69 002 Lyon.
Our firm in figures
3 000
2 500