Marianne Lefèvre

French Intellectual Property Attorney
Graduate from CEIPI law school
Master degree in Biotechnologies delivered by ENSAT
Master degree in Chemistry
Marianne joined BRINGER IP law firm in 2020 as Of counsel Intellectual Property Attorney and has merged her own activities with our firm in 2024.
Marianne has a solid experience in the world of innovation, acquired in research laboratories and in the industrial environment, in France and abroad. In particular, Marianne has worked as coordinator of scientific cooperation and technology transfer for a large industrial group. She then worked for 15 years in another Intellectual Property Law Firm before lauching her own practice.
Today, Marianne mainly assists the firm's clients (large groups, SMEs, startups, independent inventors) in drafting patent applications, prosecuting examinations in France and abroad. She also participates in the implementation of intellectual property strategies and carries out studies and searches for prior art and freedom to operate. Marianne works in chemistry, biology, mechanics, medical devices, etc.
When not dealing with Intellectual Property, Marianne joins her club of hiker-skiers of the Pyrenees (with a specialty of seasonal mycologist!) or practices choral singing.